题库 · 英语
题库首页 > 学历提升 > 自考专业(英语) > 英美文学选读
The Romantic Period
Washington Irving
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Walt Whitman
Herman Melville
The Realistic Period
Mark Twain
Henry James
Emily Dickinson
Theodore Dreiser
modern period
Ezra Pound
Robert Lee Frost
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
The Victorian Period
Charles Dickens
The Bronte Sisters
Robert Browning
George Eliot
Thomas Hardy
The Modern Period
George Bernard Shaw
John Galsworthy
William Butler Yeats
T.S. Eliot
D.H. Lawrence
James Joyce
The Renaissance Period
William Shakespeare
John Milton
The Neoclassical Period
Alexander Pope
Daniel Defoe
Jonathan Swift
Henry Fielding
Thomas Gray
The Romantic Period
Jane Austen
William Blake
William Wordsworth
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
George Gordon Byron
Percy Bysshe Shelley